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Wangechi Mutu
Start Date: 2/22/2013Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Date: 3/29/2013End Time: Midnight

Event Description
Described as “one of the most exciting artists to be working in collage today,” by The New York Times, Wangechi Mutu will be the featured artist for the inaugural exhibition of the Westphal College’s new Leonard Pearlstein Gallery. Mutu’s work is housed in the permanent collections of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and numerous other collections throughout the world. She regularly exhibits in the world’s great cities and was awarded the 2010 Deutsche Guggenheim Artist of the Year.

The opening celebration and reception at the gallery will be Friday, February 22nd at 5 PM. Noted Philadelphia poet Sonia Sanchez will perform new poetry written to complement Mutu’s work, and acclaimed dancer Tania Isaac, member of the Drexel Dance faculty, has choreographed a new dance piece to be performed by members of the Drexel Dance Ensemble. The Leonard Pearlstein Gallery is located at the new URBN Center Annex (3401 Filbert St.). Event is free and open to the public
Contact Information:
Name: Lisa Visco
Email: visco@drexel.edu
Wangechi Mutu
The New Leonard Pearlstein Gallery in the URBN Center Annex (3401 Filbert Street)
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