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EduMemes Concepts and Contest
Start Date: 1/15/2015 All Day
End Date: 1/15/2015
Event Description
Purpose and Vision
 The purpose of the EduMemes Contest is to jumpstart the development of a Web-based knowledge management system and data warehouse modeled on Apple, Inc. iTunes Store that will provide the Drexel community with access to validated academic applications.

Broad Definition of an EduMeme. An EduMeme is modular learning or instructional application which facilitates student learning, either by allowing focused review of an idea, concept or skill or by aiding instructors by providing educational innovations in an easy-to-implement format. Thus, EduMemes can come in two categories:

a.    LearnerMemes (L-Memes): These are modular tutorials, simulations and other educational applications that can be accessed by students in response to specific needs.

b.   InstructorMemes (I-Memes): These are modular applications that can be downloaded by instructors to provide access to innovative teaching methodologies and approaches, assessment tools and other applications that could be used by instructors to enhance student learning

The Contest
We are looking for innovative designs for EduMemes which will be initially housed in xpLor in Blackboard Learn. Students may contribute as either individuals or in teams and may submit suggestions for either L-Memes or I-Memes. Participants are encouraged to consider their solutions as a focused application in a larger educational ecosystem and to think as holistically as possible.

Prizes will be awarded as follows
•    1st prize - $5000.00;
•    2nd prize - $2000.00;
•    3rd prize - $1,500.00,
•    4th prize - $1,000.00;
•    5th prize - $500.00.
Submission Procedures:


Entrants will initially complete a brief pre-submission form describing their ideas, approaches, designs, etc. on this website. The pre-submissions will be reviewed in order to determine if the ideas/designs are applicable and appropriate. Those entrants whose designs/ideas are selected will then be encouraged to submit their complete submissions as described below.

Pre-submissions must use the Web-based submission form and include:

A brief description of the need being met by the proposed EduMeme, including how a student might use the proposed EduMeme to enhance their learning (L-Meme) or how an instructor would use the proposed EduMeme to facilitate student learning (I-Meme) (100 words or less).

Descriptions of the functionality of the proposed EduMeme, including the inputs, outputs and features associated with the proposed EduMeme. (300 words or less).

The names and contact information for all the students collaborating on the submission.

Use this link:


Final Submissions:

Full and final EduMemes submissions wishing to be considered must include the software and/or link to the site where the EduMeme is housed and PDF documentation including

•    Need or Opportunity to which the Meme is Responding;
•    Purpose and Intended Use;
•    Evaluation Plan and Requirements;
•    Search Support: and any
•    Supporting research.

Judging Criteria:

Entries will be evaluated on the following criteria:
•    Innovation
•    Clarity
•    Originality
•    Usability
•    Flexibility
•    Thoroughness of proposed solution
•    Educational merit.


You can pre-submit and submit your EduMeme at this link:
  • Current Students

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