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Screens, Seasons and the Science: Managing Screen Time During the Holidays
Start Date: 12/18/2024Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Date: 12/18/2024End Time: 10:30 AM
Event Description
With schools out for the holidays, balancing screen time and family life is on everyone's list. Join us on Zoom for a conversation led by James Connell, PhD, one of our own School of Education colleagues and a widely published expert in child development and education. Dr. Connell will share the science behind screen use and its impact on children, and discuss practical strategies to help parents manage technology use during the holiday break (and all through the year!).
This event was organized by the Drexel Parents & Caregivers Colleague Resource Group and is open to anyone seeking thoughtful, evidence-based advice to navigate the holidays with balance and intention. Any parent or caregiver employed by Drexel may join the group by following the Drexel Parents & Caregivers channel on Teams.
About Dr. Connell: He is a board-certified behavior analyst and certified school psychologist with over 20 years of experience in child development and education. His expertise spans autism, developmental disabilities, early intervention, and building effective school-wide behavioral supports. Dr. Connell has held prestigious appointments at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and his work focuses on improving outcomes for children through proactive, research-based strategies.
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