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2021 Graduate Student Virtual Resource Fair
Start Date: 1/6/2021Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Date: 1/6/2021End Time: 1:00 PM
Event Description
In preparation for the start of the upcoming winter term in 2021, the Graduate College is organizing a virtual resource fair for our new and incoming graduate students.  Living the Drexel life is more than just a classroom experience for our graduate students. Our vibrant campus life invites our graduate students to go farther than they can even imagined. New students will have the opportunity to participate in a virtual resource fair to learn ways to create and personalize their best Drexel experience. They will chat with Drexel administrators, campus partners and student organizations to find resources to support their goals. Whether they wish to work on campus, lead an organization, or find support for their needs, they can discover their options at the 2021 Graduate Student Virtual Resource Fair.
Registration information available here
Contact Information:
Name: Tsz Kwok
  • Graduate Students

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