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Recent Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound
Start Date: 10/12/2022Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 10/12/2022End Time: 5:30 PM
Event Description
BIOMED Hybrid Seminar


Recent Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound

John Eisenbrey, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
Thomas Jefferson University

As an imaging modality, ultrasound imaging is poised for growth due to its cost, availability, portability, and lack of ionizing radiation. Ultrasound-sensitive gas microbubbles (termed ultrasound contrast agents) can also be used to greatly improve ultrasound’s ability to detect and quantify blood flow in a variety of clinical scenarios. These agents are unique in that their vibration and destruction can be controlled by the ultrasound wave, thereby generating localized bioeffects and a myriad of opportunities for targeted drug delivery.

This talk will focus on recent advances from our group in both diagnostic and therapeutic contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Highlighted work will range from early preclinical work to larger, multi-center trials and cover a wide variety of topics including interventional oncology procedure monitoring, noninvasive pressure estimation, radiotherapy sensitization, localized drug delivery, and lymphatic imaging.
John Eisenbrey, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Thomas Jefferson University. He completed Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Management at The University of Delaware, followed by his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Drexel University, where he worked with Dr. Margaret Wheatley on the fabrication of ultrasound-sensitive drug carriers. Following his PhD studies, he joined Thomas Jefferson University as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiology, working with Flemming Forsberg. His current research interests include nonlinear ultrasound, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, image-guided drug delivery, interventional oncology, and photoacoustic imaging.
Contact Information:
Name: Lisa Williams
John Eisenbrey
Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building (PISB), Room 120, located on the northeast corner of 33rd and Chestnut Streets. Also on Zoom.
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