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Lepton number violation at the ATLAS experiment and a new tracking detector for the HL-LHC
Start Date: 10/13/2022Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 10/13/2022End Time: 5:00 PM
Event Description
Jeff Dandoy
University of Pennsylvania
Recent hints of physics anomalies incompatible with the Standard Model have brought increased attention to Electroweak Supersymmetry as a natural solution.  New results from the ATLAS Collaboration are presented targeting rare decays of possible superpartners that violate the total baryon-lepton (B-L) number symmetry through couplings related to the neutrino sector, opening up new channels of discovery.  The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC and the ATLAS experiment will greatly expand our ability to produce and detect rare new physics, but presents unique challenges from a complex, high-radiation environment.  The completed verification, functional, and radiation testing program is presented of the readout electronics for a new silicon strip tracking detector.
Contact Information:
Name: Professor Michelle Dolinski
Phone: 215-895-6860
Drexel Unversity
919 Disque Hall
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