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Physics Colloquium: The Convergence of Quantum Materials and Quantum Information Science
Start Date: 10/21/2021Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 10/21/2021End Time: 4:30 PM
Event Description
Tyrel McQueen
Johns Hopkins University
The last five years has seen an enormous increase in investment by national governments and corporations in the broad area of quantum science and technology. What are quantum materials and quantum information science? Why are these areas exciting and seeing significant investment? How do they connect to outstanding questions in all of physics, including not just in condensed matter but questions such as: what are dark matter and dark energy? I will present my perspective on these questions drawing upon a decade of fundamental research within the Institute for Quantum Matter, and how I see these two previously disparate areas rapidly converging with potential to address long-standing questions and introduce new ones. I will also discuss the broader convergence with other areas of science, including materials by design and the materials genome initiative, and data science and the data revolution.
Contact Information:
Name: Professor Jorn Venderbos
Drexel University
Department of Physics
Disque Hall, Room 919
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