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Population Health Spotlight Speaker Series - Dr. Madina Agénor
Start Date: 10/26/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 10/26/2023End Time: 3:30 PM
Event Description

This year’s Population Health Spotlight will discuss a range of pressing issues related to LGBTQ+ health and discuss implications for policies and action.

Many structural and systemic factors impact the health of LGBTQ+ people, creating health related challenges and disparities. Recent legislative actions across the United States have further amplified these impacts and have highlighted the need to address LGBTQ+ health as a core component of population health and health equity.

Speaker: Dr. Madina Agénor, Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity, Brown University School of Public Health

Talk Title: "Intersectionality, Discrimination, and Sexual and Reproductive Health Among LGBTQ+ People Assigned Female at Birth: Patient and Provider Perspectives"

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Madina Agénor, ScD, MPH, is Associate Professor in the Departments of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Epidemiology and Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity at Brown University School of Public Health. She is also Adjunct Faculty at The Fenway Institute and leads the Sexual Health and Reproductive Experiences (SHARE) Lab at Brown University. As a social epidemiologist and interdisciplinary health equity scholar, Dr. Agénor investigates the structural and social determinants of health inequities using an intersectional lens and mixed-methods research approach. Specifically, she uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to examine how multilevel social, health care, and policy factors shape sexual and reproductive health across and within minoritized sexual orientation, racial/ethnic, and gender identity groups, with a focus on multiply marginalized populations. Dr. Agénor completed postdoctoral research training in cancer prevention equity at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan) and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and was Visiting Research Faculty at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at Yale University. She holds a Doctor of Science (ScD) in Social and Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in Women, Gender, and Health from Harvard Chan, a Master of Public Health (MPH) in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, and a bachelor’s degree in Community Health and Gender Studies from Brown University.

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Nesbitt Hall, Room 132 and online via Zoom
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