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Fall Institute on Implementation Science Research
Start Date: 10/28/2019Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Date: 10/29/2019End Time: 4:30 PM
Event Description

The Fall Institute is designed to provide a foundation in implementation science and the design of studies that have potential to impact real world settings. Through lecture by leading experts and interactive small group sessions, participants will gain the knowledge, skills and strategies to design studies from the lens of implementation science and integrate evidence into diverse settings such as healthcare, community-based organizations, educational institutions and more. Participants will learn about and discuss theories, methodologies, measures, grant writing and challenges and solutions.

Join us for the opportunity to network and learn about the emerging area of implementation science and gain access to new funding opportunities.
For more information or to register, click here
Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions
1601 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102
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