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Going Global: Fellowships for International Experiences
Start Date: 10/4/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 10/4/2023End Time: 3:00 PM
Event Description
Are you interested in going abroad? Do you have a passion for learning about other cultures or languages? If this sounds like you, join us for Going Global: Fellowships for International Experiences! During this session, we will cover several fellowships and scholarships that provide funding for students to have immersive cultural experiences or do research abroad. This session will include an overview of the Gilman Scholarship, Boren Awards, Critical Language Scholarship, DAAD Research Internships in Science and Engineering, and several other relevant awards.

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Events with no RSVPs 24 hours in advance will be cancelled. UREP events are open to all Drexel students.
Contact Information:
Name: Cara Fantini
Going Global: Fellowships for International Experiences
Bentley 156
  • Undergraduate Students

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