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Philly Codefest Workshop: The Hidden Costs of Going Digital, presented by Dell Boomi
Start Date: 10/6/2020Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Date: 10/6/2020End Time: 7:00 PM
Event Description
This event is presented by Philly Codefest 2020 sponsor and CCI Corporate Partner Dell Boomi.
Most folks who receive bills or bank statements have heard that "going digital" is "going green."

We'll discuss some of the hidden costs of going digital, from power consumption for data processing to proliferation of physical waste due to the increased use and replacement of electronics. We'll present a few breadcrumbs to some of the thought leaders in these areas to motivate ideas for projects that might include:
- Educational initiatives that help understand the "invisible" cost of going digital
- Tools to help companies optimize digital costs and handle digital information in an ethical and sustainable manner
- Improving accessibility of programs that help manage electronics waste

As more and more companies and individuals depend on digital tools for day-to-day life, we'd like to see a project that surfaces the hidden costs of these tools and helps all consumers consider their usage in the context of long-term sustainability.
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