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Lutron Presents: Expect the Unexpected - Unusual Interview Techniques and How to Prepare
Start Date: 11/13/2018Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 11/13/2018End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
When we think about interviews, we often imagine a manager with a standard list of questions sitting opposite a candidate who ready to deliver practiced responses about their skills and experience.  But what if the interview looks nothing like that image?  This workshop will prepare students for the wide variety of interview styles that many employers use today, including brainteaser questions, whiteboarding, testing and on-the-spot problem solving, unusual formats, and more.  Kevin Walton and Tomer Shemesh (Class of ’17) of Lutron Electronics will provide insights and advice from the employer perspective.  Participants will leave better equipped to tackle any interview, regardless of the format, because they are prepared to speak about their skills and unique value as a potential employee.  Pizza will be provided.
Contact Information:
Name: Steinbright Career Development Center
Phone: 215-895-2185
Email: scdc@drexel.edu
3201 Arch Street, Suite 250
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