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City of Philadelphia 5th Annual Veterans Day Parade
Start Date: 11/3/2019Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Date: 11/3/2019End Time: 4:30 PM
Event Description
Parade Participants to Arrive between 11:00 and 11:30am at Corner Bakery at 17th and JFK
Parade March begins at 12:00pm
Veterans Festival 12:30-4:30pm at 5th and Market

Join the Drexel Veterans Association and members of the Veterans Task Force as we represent Drexel University in the 5th Annual Philadelphia Veterans Day Parade.  All veterans and military dependents at Drexel (students, faculty, staff and alumni) are invited to march in the parade behind the Drexel Banner and receive a commemorative t-shirt!

We will line up in Center City at our designated location on the 16th block of JFK Boulevard at 11:30AM.  Drexel participants should meet at the Corner Bakery between 11:00-11:30AM to get organized.  We begin the 30-minute walk through the City at 12:00pm.  The parade ends at 5th and Market with a festival from 12:30pm-4:30pm.  This is a Rain or Shine event!

Attire:  Comfortable walking shoes, warm long sleeve if needed under the t-shirt, casual pants/nice jeans/shorts/skirt etc. and we will provide a t-shirt to wear during the parade.

Please register for this event by Monday, October 28th  by using to the following link:

For more information, visit the Philadelphia Veterans Day Parade website at or contact Rebecca Weidensaul by email at
Contact Information:
Name: Rebecca Weidensaul
Phone: 215.895.6092
Line Up Location:
17th & JFK
  • Everyone
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Alumni
  • Parents & Families

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