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Chemistry Department Seminar
Start Date: 11/8/2019Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Date: 11/8/2019End Time: 12:00 PM
Event Description


Christopher Murray, UPenn


"Building with artificial atoms:The design of multifunctional nanomaterials and devices through nanocrystal self-assembly."

The synthesis of monodisperse colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) with controlled composition, size, and shape provides ideal building blocks for the assembly of new thin films and devices. These monodisperse colloidal NCs can be thought of as "artificial atoms" with tunable electronic, optical, magnetic properties that are allowing the development of a new periodic table for design at the Mesoscale. This talk will briefly outline the current state of the art in synthesis, purification, and integration of single-phase NCs and core-shell (heterostructures) NCs emphasizing the design of semiconductor building blocks with tunable shapes (spheres, roads, cubes, discs, octahedra, etc

Contact Information:
Name: Frank Ji
Phone: 215.895.2562
Disque Hall, Room 109
32 S. 32nd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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