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The Philippine Human Rights Crisis and the Need for the Philippine Human Rights Act
Start Date: 2/23/2023Start Time: 4:35 PM
End Date: 2/23/2023End Time: 6:30 PM
Event Description
In lieu of a myriad of human rights abuses in the Philippines, the Drexel Kline NLG will be hosting a panel discussion, with the goal of educating law students and professors about the situation in the Philippines. We will also discuss why we need to pass the Philippine Human Rights Act and immediately suspend US financial assistance to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police. This event will begin with a brief situationer on human rights abuses in the Philippines and the role of the Philippine National Police and Armed Forces of the Philippines in propagating such abuses. This will be followed by a panel discussion comprised of various attorneys involved in the Philippine human rights movement. Topics to be discussed will include: what is the Philippine Rights Act, who is championing the bill, what lawyering in the face of political repression in the Philippines looks like, why as law students we should be concerned with such abuses, and how to support.
Law Building, Room 340
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