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CAEE Virtual Seminar - Lunar Settlements as the First Step to Becoming a Spacefaring Civilization
Start Date: 2/25/2021Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Date: 2/25/2021End Time: 2:30 PM
Event Description

The idea that we need to establish permanent habitats and settlements on the Moon is presented as a predicate for humanity to evolve its spheres of activities and economies beyond Earth and its orbit. This overview presentation will cover some of the history of national space programs, the Apollo program, and will address the question, “Why Go to the Moon?”  Habitat concepts will be presented, as will a view of our possible paths into this future. 

Dr. Haym Benaroya is a Distinguished Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Rutgers University.  His research activities have focused on structures and dynamics, fluid-structure interaction as found on offshore structures, and the study of lunar habitats and related questions of space exploration and settlement. 

Contact Information:
Name: Kim Spina
Haym Benaroya
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