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Drexel Students Record Neighbors' Voices for Broadcast on WKDU During Black History Month
Start Date: 2/28/2019Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Date: 2/28/2019End Time: 9:30 AM
Event Description

A team of Drexel students has produced a recording of open-mic presentations by West Philadelphia neighbors during “MLK Café – I Was There,” an event hosted on MLK Day by the the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships. The recording is scheduled to be broadcast on WKDU-FM (91.7) during the last day of Black History Month, Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 9:00 a.m.

The Dornsife Center’s Director, John Kirby, Jr., organized this event so that neighbors could share their memories of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his time in Philadelphia and of their lives during the Civil Rights Era.

About this event, Kirby said: “We want to create a moment of reflection; we want to know what you remember of Martin Luther King and how it impacted your life.”

The Drexel students who produced the broadcast of MLK Café for broadcast on WKDU-FM were directed by Lawrence Souder, teaching professor in the Department of Communication of Drexel’s College of Arts and Sciences. They are: Ian Norris, a senior majoring in music industry; Fatimah Seyed-Ali, a sophomore majoring in chemistry; Aarohaa Satyal, a sophomore majoring in environmental engineering; Jane Ansah, a sophomore majoring in communication; Melanie Huot, a sophomore majoring in chemical engineering; Seth Zurlo, a freshman majoring in biology; and Allison Durham, a senior majoring in communication.

The broadcast of “MLK Café – I Was There” is a special edition of “Good Morning, Neighbors,” a series of bi-weekly interviews on WKDU-FM with nonprofit organizations in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia. This series of broadcasts is a collaboration among the Lindy Center for Civic Engagement, Drexel Edits, a center for the support of nonprofit communications, and radio station WKDU.

Contact Information:
Name: Lawrence Souder
Phone: 215.895.2730
WKDU-FM (91.7) on air
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