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Modern Day Prosecution: Serving the Public’s Interests
Start Date: 2/28/2023Start Time: 12:15 PM
End Date: 2/28/2023End Time: 1:15 PM
Event Description

Join members of the PDAA (Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association) for a panel covering a variety of topics relating to prosecution. The panel will take place on February 28th from 12:15-1:15 in room 420 followed by a catered reception in the Dean's Suite until 2:00PM. Please RSVP on Symplicity. Below is additional information about the panel from the PDAA.

Modern Day Prosecution: Serving the Public’s Interests – The rewards you can expect as a new prosecutor

The work of the prosecutor resides squarely within the ambit of “public interest” law. Among the many opportunities for students who wish to enter public service, being a prosecutor is indeed among the most fulfilling public interest careers one can have. The Office of the District Attorney in each of the Commonwealth’s 67 counties seeks to serve their citizens by solving community problems in a substantive way where possible, rather than by merely accepting the success of statistical convictions. The PDAA recognizes that criminal justice is never a finished construct. Prosecutors are committed to identifying best practices and policies in order to meet the ever-changing demands of our criminal justice system. These demands require the prosecutor’s constant vigilance over the legitimate needs of law enforcement, victims, as well as the rights of the accused. As Ministers of Justice, prosecutors maintain this commitment with the highest level of integrity while performing their duties as responsible public servants for the communities they serve.


  • Integrity of the Prosecutor
  • Prosecutors bring change to their communities
  • Student Loan Forgiveness- Careers in Public Service
  • Intern Programs and Certification Process
  • Functions and Duties of the Prosecutor
  • Quality of Life
Law Building, Room 420
  • Graduate Students

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