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Staff Grand Rounds: Public Safety and You
Start Date: 2/8/2019Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Date: 2/8/2019End Time: 4:30 PM
Event Description

The Department of Public Safety’s workplace safety workshop titled “Public Safety & U” is an all‐encompassing community education program focused on the ever‐growing safety concerns faced by higher education community members throughout the country. This program focuses on a variety of highly transferrable workplace safety and life skills that are designed to serve the audience in a virtually any setting, with topics including Drexel University’s commitment to community safety, skills and techniques for dealing with irrational/violent/disruptive behavior, the challenges associated with an urban campus and urban environment, as well as critical incidents such as active shooter scenarios and fires. Through a variety of techniques and audio‐visual displays, the “Public Safety & U” workplace safety programming reinforces Drexel’s active and steadfast commitment to the safety of the greater community, leaving attendees more aware the many resources available to them and working for them behind closed doors.

This event is mandatory for medical assistants and open to all clinical staff. Pre-registration is required through Career Pathway.

Contact Information:
Name: Janet Kim
staff grand rounds logo
New College Building
Geary Auditorium B
245 N. 15th Street
  • Staff

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