Event Description By Qui Nguyen Directed by Kathryn MacMillan
A comedic journey into the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly, Agnes Evans discovers that she was a legendary D&D Master. Agnes decides to enter into the world of fantasy role playing games where she discovers an action-packed adventure and the sister she never really knew. She Kills Monsters is “…a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all.”
February 22, 23 & 28 | 8:00 PM March 1 & 2 | 8:00 PM February 23, 24 & March 2 | 2:00 PM URBN Center Annex Black Box Theater
Tickets General Admission $20 Non-Drexel Students $15 Drexel Student/Faculty/Staff $10 |
Contact Information: Name: Nick Anselmo Phone: 215-895-1920 Email: nma28@drexel.edu |
Location: URBN Annex Black Box Theater |