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Faculty Workshop: Emily Taylor Poppe - University of California, Irvine School of Law
Start Date: 3/23/2023Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 3/23/2023End Time: 1:15 PM
Event Description

Prof. Taylor Poppe is an interdisciplinary empirical scholar whose research is focused on inequalities in access to civil justice. Her work investigates the origins of civil legal problems and their paths toward resolution, as well as the role of legal actors and institutions in shaping these processes. She has investigated variation in both formal and informal access to legal counsel and has also assessed the effect of legal representation on case outcomes. In other scholarship, she has evaluated how legal education, the regulation of the legal profession, legal technology, and institutional design might enhance equality in access to justice. Finally, in a third stream of scholarship, she evaluates estates and trusts law from an access to justice perspective, offering both legal reforms and policy interventions to enhance equality under the laws governing succession. Her research has appeared in both peer-reviewed journals and law reviews, including Law & Society Review, Law & Social Inquiry, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, UC Davis Law Review, Fordham Law Review, and other journals.


This event is for faculty only. For further information, contact

Emily Taylor Poppe
Law Building, Room 301
  • Faculty

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