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Start Date: 3/4/2019Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Date: 3/4/2019End Time: 7:00 PM
This event recurs on a custom schedule.  Click here to see the series dates.
Event Description

Exhibition from December 14, 2018 through March 15, 2019. By looking at materials under a microscope, scientists can understand how things work at very small scales and even at the atomic level. Sometimes, researchers see a scientific image that resembles a piece of art or has a beautiful feature. These images are often captured using electron microscopes and are in gray-scale. Scientists will then colorize the images using photo editing software to emphasize the unique features captured at the nanoscale. All of the images in this exhibition are from the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute NanoArtography Competition (established in 2016 by Babak Anasori, PhD) an international competition which helps broaden the public’s understanding of the world at the atomic level and brings attention to Drexel’s groundbreaking materials science research.

This exhibition on NanoArtography is a partnership between the A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute in the College of Engineering and The Drexel Collection. While this might seem an odd match, the exhibitions like these demonstrate how the collection can be a University-wide resource and the beautiful works created for the NanoArtography competition demonstrate how close art and science are as two pillars in a Drexel education.

An opening reception will be held on Friday, December 14th from 5:00PM – 7:00PM in the Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery and Rincliffe Gallery. The Gallery is free and open to the public.

Contact Information:
Name: Lynn Clouser
Phone: 215-895-2414
NanoArtography Dec 14 - March 15
Main Building, 3rd Floor, Rincliffe Gallery
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