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iForum: Complicated Legacies
Start Date: 3/5/2020Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 3/5/2020End Time: 1:00 PM
Event Description
For many, the death of basketball superstar Kobe Bryant conjured up complicated feelings. Some called Bryant a legend for his successes on the court, while others called attention to his rape accusation in 2003—inciting arguments and confusion about what Bryant’s legacy should actually be. In a time where people are demanding accountability, how do we memorialize celebrities like Bryant, Michael Jackson, John McCain, and others whose actions could be identified as both heroic and abhorrent?

Join iForum for a discussion about complicated legacies on Thursday, March 5th from 12 to 1pm. Students, faculty, professional staff, and community members welcome; some snacks will be provided and feel free to bring your own lunch. Email Reema Malhotra,, to RSVP (not required but appreciated).
Contact Information:
Name: Reema Malhotra
Phone: 215.895.1067
iForum March 2020_3.jpg
James E. Marks Intercultural Center
3225 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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