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Wednesdays at the Kline
Start Date: 3/9/2022Start Time: 5:30 PM
End Date: 3/9/2022End Time: 6:30 PM
Event Description

With Pennoni Honors College’s move last year to Bentley Hall – and, of course, COVID – numerous changes to our programming plans have followed. We’ve decided now that we have the dedicated space to host our own events, that we’d like to move Wednesdays at the Kline home to Bentley Hall. So, in our final meeting as Wednesdays at the Kline (next month join us for Wednesdays at Bentley), we wanted to have one more legal drama.


The Supreme Court acts as a balance for the executive and legislative branches, being the ultimate word on the constitution’s meaning and application. The institution has swung back and forth between strict and loose constructionism, close and broad interpretations of the Constitution. In recent years, however, the court has come under scrutiny. Only 54% of the American public has a favorable opinion of the court, legal ethicists have signed a letter to Chief Justice Roberts about the need for an ethics review board, and many are concerned about how this court aligns with public sentiment. In the last iteration of the Kline, we’ll talk about the role of the Supreme Court, its future, and options for how to regain the faith of the American public. 

Contact Information:
Name: Erica L Zelinger
Wednesdays at the Kline
RSVP to attend in person or on Zoom
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