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Non-text Based Smart Learning Using Near Real-time Multimodal Analysis
Start Date: 3/9/2022Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 3/9/2022End Time: 5:30 PM
Event Description
BIOMED Seminar


Non-text Based Smart Learning Using Near Real-time Multimodal Analysis

Ziho Kang, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Oklahoma

The learning environment is poised to undergo a major reformation, and multi-person Virtual Reality will augment, and possibly replace, the traditional learning environment. The purpose of this research is to discover new smart learning methodologies within the multi-person VR environment using nonintrusive multimodal analysis of physiological measures, including eye movement characteristics, haptic interactions, and brain activities.

The seminar will provide an overview of the research topic and be concentrated on how eye movement characteristics can be analyzed using various algorithms to better understand and possibly predict humans’ cognitive processes that can be used for developing effective training intervention methods.

Ziho Kang, PhD, is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award. Dr. Kang received his PhD from Purdue University and is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. His research interests lay at the intersection of human factors, human-systems engineering, and data analytics. Especially, he has been developing algorithms to map human visual search patterns with human decision making processes that can be used to inform the design of human-centered systems, in which his algorithms have been used to evaluate human performance, assess situation awareness, model decision making processes, and administer training interventions.

Dr. Kang's recent research initiatives involve multimodal analysis of eye tracking, haptic interactions, and brain activities to discover new smart learning methods to use in a multi-person virtual reality environment. He received research grants from the National Science Foundation, National Academy of Science, Federal Aviation Administration, and Microsoft Corporation.
Contact Information:
Name: Lisa Williams
Ziho Kang
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