Event Description @import url(https://events.drexel.edu/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);
@import url(https://events.drexel.edu/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css);
@import url(https://events.drexel.edu/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css); SciVal and Funding Institutional are two research intelligence tools available to all faculty, staff, and students to help support research goals. The Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of Institutional Advancement invite you to participate in the following professional development workshops. FUNDING INSTITUTIONAL Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 1:30pm – 2:30pm (or) Thursday, April 14, 2022, 11:00am – 12:00pm Funding Institutional helps you find active, accurate funding opportunities in a timely manner from over 3,500 government and private funding organizations, and by offering insight into research that has already been funded in your area of interest. After this 30-minute workshops, you should have the knowledge to maximize access to and management of funding opportunities to best utilize our subscription.
In this session, you will learn: - Search for funding opportunities
- Find new sources of external grant income
- Identify potential collaborators and find investigators that are securing grants in their field of interest
- Survey funding trends
- Set-up alerts to be notified automatically of new funding opportunities
REGISTER for this one-hour workshop by 5:00pm Monday, April 11th. You will receive a meeting invite with a link to training All workshops will be conducted by our Elsevier Customer Consultant, Charity Elifritz.