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The Syllabus: Setting the Stage
Start Date: 4/18/2023Start Time: 11:30 AM
End Date: 4/18/2023End Time: 12:30 PM
Event Description
Drexel Engineering Faculty Development Series 2022-2023
How can you optimize your syllabus to create the best outcomes for your students?

Join Dr. Kevin Scoles, Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, for a brown bag lunch workshop about how to create a successful syllabus.

Dr. Scoles will present a comprehensive review of the syllabus. He will delve into its purpose, how it helps both students and faculty, as well as the overall curriculum.
Learn about the Drexel Learner-Centered Syllabus and how to adapt your syllabus for different course modalities.

Finally, get some tips on getting your students to engage with your syllabus!
This event is open to all faculty. Registration required.
Contact Information:
Name: Dorilona Rose
Phone: x6491
Image of a computer and books
Attachments For This Event:
    > Syllabus event flyer
Hill Conference Room, LeBow 240 and Zoom
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