Event Description Radio station WKDU-FM (91.7) will broadcast an interview with Drexel student Evan Ehlers, the founder and director of Sharing Excess on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 9:00 a.m.
With its roots on Drexel’s campus, Sharing Excess is a nonprofit organization aiming to alleviate food insecurity by encouraging college campuses to share their excess food. “We think that universities are the perfect place to source civic engagement because you have students with the energy, the passion, [and] the innovation to help communities,” says Ehlers, who relies on the support of fellow students for his organization.
This interview is one of a series entitled “Good Morning, Neighbors” that airs on Drexel’s WKDU-FM (91.7) in the spring term of 2019. The interview with Sharing Excess will be rebroadcast on Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 9:00 am and archived as a podcast on mixcloud.com/GoodMorningNeighbors/.
Drexel students Jane-Janette Ansah, Fatimah Seyed-Ali, Melanie Huot, Aarohaa Satyal, Allison Durham, Seth Zurlo and Ian Norris produced, hosted and recorded the series of radio interviews with local nonprofit organizations in Drexel’s neighborhood in the winter term of 2019.
For more information about this interview series, contact Lawrence Souder, Director, Drexel Edits, at 215.571.4634, or email drexeledits@drexel.edu. |
Location: [radio broadcast] |