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2017 Engineering Alumni Lecture
Start Date: 4/26/2017Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 4/26/2017End Time: 5:30 PM
Event Description
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Christine Fiori is a Professor and Program Director of the Construction Management Program at Drexel University.  Prior to joining Drexel in 2015, she was the Preston and Catharine White Fellow and Associate Director of the Myers-Lawson School of Construction at Virginia Tech. 


Christine’s research, teaching, and service work has taken her to many countries throughout the world and helped to shape her passion for the global engagement of constructors and engineers.  She has led diverse teams of researchers and students on three separate expeditions to the Andes mountains of Peru to investigate the engineering practices of the ancient Inka as part of an NSF grant and partnership with the Smithsonian Institute. 


Domestic and international service work helped to shape her approach to both teaching and research and enabled her to develop a robust service learning program founded on the principles of community engagement, environmental stewardship, and sustainable infrastructure.  She has mentored student teams to complete construction projects in Vietnam, Kenya, Belize, Honduras, Haiti and Guatemala in collaboration with Peacework and Bridges to Prosperity. 


Christine’s lecture will discuss her academic journey back to Drexel University using her research experiences from around the world as a roadmap.


Christine has received numerous awards for her teaching, research and service.  Most recently, her work on Inka Engineering practices has been collected as part of the “Great Inka Road:  Engineering an Empire Exhibit” at the Smithsonian’s Museum of the Native American Indian in Washington, D.C. and was featured on the Discovery Science Channel.  Christine has a B.S. in Civil Engineering (‘92), M.S. in Civil Engineering (‘94), M.S. in Engineering Geology (‘97) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (‘97) from Drexel University.

Contact Information:
Name: Kim Spina
Phone: 215-895-1918
Fiori pic
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Mitchell Auditorium, First Floor
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3140 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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