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Dine & Discover: France
Start Date: 5/10/2018Start Time: 5:30 PM
End Date: 5/10/2018End Time: 7:30 PM
Event Description

In collaboration with Drexel’s International Students and Scholars Services, the Office of International Programs presents our event series: Dine & Discover. Every quarter, we will transport students to a restaurant for a traditional dinner and a guest lecture revolving around the culture and cuisine of a new place in the world.


This quarter, Dine & Discover will focus on France. Students will have a chance to eat traditional French cuisine and learn about the culture of France. Space is limited to 25 students. To register for this event RSVP hereOnce you have completed the survey, please stop by the Office of International Programs (Randell Hall, Suite 235) between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to pay a $10 nonrefundable reservation fee and sign a waiver. The payment (via cash or Venmo) will reserve your space at the event and cover the cost of your meal. All reservations, waivers, and payments must be submitted before May 7th at 5 p.m. to participate.

Contact Information:
Name: Krystyna Salyuk
Phone: 2158951365
Beau Monde
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students
  • International Students

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