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CSDN Capstone Presentation: Barbara Chernyavsky
Start Date: 5/17/2022Start Time: 2:30 PM
End Date: 5/17/2022End Time: 3:30 PM

Event Description

In collaboration with Drexel's Historic Costume Collection and the Drexel Collection, Barbara's capstone project will analyze the different methods used to clean a variety of materials found in galleries (specifically oil painting and lace) under the supervision of both collection's directors. This entire project will be documented and processed into a final report at the end of Spring term with an itinerary, procedure, and detailed photos. The goal is to communicate to a general audience the complexity of the cleaning process, as it is not a simple task and a great deal of research and testing occurs before a conservator even touches the art in question.

Contact Information:
Email: urep@drexel.edu
Week of Undergraduate Excellence Week of May 16, 2022
Online via Zoom

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