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Introduction to Insight Dialogue (2 Parts) (15 Wellness Points Per Session)*
Start Date: 5/3/2023Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 5/3/2023End Time: 1:00 PM
This event recurs daily until 5/17/2023.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description
Mindfulness during our interactions with others is one of the hardest areas to practice. Insight Dialogue is relational mindfulness and is designed to be practiced in relationship. Over the course of the 2 sessions we will explore what the building blocks are for cultivating mindfulness in relationship with another and spend a little time practicing each of the 6 guidelines.

This workshop is offered as a collaboration between A Healthier U employee wellness program and the Drexel Meditation Group.

Please attend both sessions if you are able to. The first session will be held May 3rd and the second session will be held May 17th. Please register for one or both sessions in Career Pathway.

Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Seattle Meditation Society and the founding teacher of the Capitol Hill Meditation Group. She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. She teaches all aspects of meditation through introductory and intensive study classes, daylongs, and weekend nonresidential retreats. She also teaches short and long residential retreats. Tuere believes that urban meditation is the foundation for today’s practitioner’s path to liberation. She is inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places and is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, past trauma and difficulties sitting still. Tuere has a long history of assisting others in establishing and maintaining a daily practice. Her teachings reflect an approach to Dharma that is easily accessible to everyone.

This event is open to all faculty and professional staff. Registration is required in Career Pathway. Please note that registration closes 24 hours in advance. Contact Monica Fauble mfauble@drexel.edu with questions.

*Participants in our Wellness Incentive Program are eligible to earn 15 points (a $15 credit) for attending each session. Your name must appear in the participants box in Zoom (you must be signed in) in order to receive wellness credit. You will receive an email from Career Pathway confirming your attendance after attendance has been completed. Wellness points will appear in your Health Advocate profile in six weeks.

You must register for the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Program AND complete your annual Personal Health Profile before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities. There will be a 6-week delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit: http://drexel.edu/hr/benefits/a-healthier-u/wellness-incentive-program/ />
Contact Information:
Name: Monica Fauble
Phone: 215-895-1708
Email: mfauble@drexel.edu
Tuere Sala
Please register in Career Pathway to receive the Zoom link to attend
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