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Tell Us How You Really Feel! Art as a Tool to Communicate Complex Emotions
Start Date: 5/30/2023Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Date: 5/30/2023End Time: 5:00 PM
This event recurs on a custom schedule.  Click here to see the series dates.
Event Description

Exhibition from December 1, 2022 through June 1, 2023. Tell Us How You Really Feel! is an exhibition of student, faculty and alumni artwork examining the aforementioned concepts. Contributing artists are asked to consider the following prompt: "Create a visual representation of a time in your life when you felt emotion that was too hard to put into words." The artist's responses will be presented in the Drexel Founding Collection's Rincliffe Gallery in an effort to show the practical application of empathy through art. During the exhibition artists' work will be sold, if they so choose, with half the proceeds donated to The Jed Foundation and The Trevor Project to support ongoing mental health resources for young peoples. For more information please visit Exhibitions | Drexel Founding Collection.

This exhibition is free and open to the public. 

An opening reception will be held on December 1st from 5:00 - 7:00 PM in the Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery, please RSVP.

Contact Information:
Name: Drexel Founding Collection
Phone: 215-895-2414
Tell Us How You Really Feel in a square with details of artwork from show
Rincliffe Gallery
Main Building, Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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