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Transformative Teaching & Instructional Design in Community Colleges
Start Date: 6/14/2021Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 6/14/2021End Time: 1:00 PM
Event Description
Community Colleges have a critical role in higher education providing academic and career pathways for students. This interactive presentation explores how the learning sciences and Mind, Brain, and Education science provide important insight about the human learning process to support teaching and learning. This presentation will examine the concept of educators as brain changers and how research is informing deeper learning, critical thinking, and real-world transfer through instructional design and teaching. Additionally, the presentation will also focus on innovative approaches to online, blended, and on-campus instruction to meet student learning outcomes. In a complex and evolving higher education landscape, the ability to engage learning across all formats in transformative teaching and learning is critical to student success and completion.

Dr. Kristen Betts
Clinical Professor, Drexel University School of Education

Dr. Bill Lynch
Professor, Drexel University School of Education

Contact Information:
Phone: 877-215-0009
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