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Annual LGBTQ+ Healthcare Symposium
Start Date: 6/15/2022Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Date: 6/15/2022End Time: 4:00 PM

Event Description

This symposium is aimed at both those wanting to gain comfort with LGBTQ+ healthcare topics as well as those wanting more specific information on topics such as PrEP prescribing and insights into sub populations like refugees and asylum seekers. This event is free and CME is available.

9 a.m. Gender and Sexuality 101 - Katelyn Regan, LCSW, M.Ed., CHOP Gender & Sexuality Development Clinic

    Learning Objectives:
  • 1. Introduce framework and concepts of gender and sexuality as it applies to the healthcare field
  • 2. Define common LGBTQ+ friendly language and vocabulary

10 a.m. Prescribing PrEP Including Special Populations - George Matar, MD University Hospitals

    Learning Objectives:
  • 1. Recognize vulnerable populations that could benefit from PrEP therapy
  • 2. Identify common myths/barriers to prescribing PreP and how to break down those barriers

11 a.m. LGBTQ+ Health from Perspective of a Queer Physician - Marcus Tellez, DO, Pacific Oaks Medical Group

    Learning Objectives:
  • 1. Discuss barriers that exist to LGBTQ+ equality within our own field of medicine
  • 2. Identify future areas for continued improvement towards goal of equity

12 p.m. Break for Lunch

1 p.m. Considerations for LGBTQ+ Refugees - Mark Messih, MD, Trillium Health Partners, The Credit Valley Hospital

    Learning Objectives:
  • 1. Review special considerations of LGBTQ+ health issues within refugee populations
  • 2. Utilize trauma-informed and culturally sensitive ways of collecting medically relevant patient information

2 p.m. Transforming Gynecology - Kathryn A Brandt, DO, Tower Health Medical Group

    Learning Objectives:
  • 1. List proper preventative screenings relevant to LGBTQ+ patients
  • 2. Identify gender affirming and trauma informed methods for conducting gynecological care

3 p.m. Adjourn

3-4 p.m. Optional Workshop: Creating a LGBTQ+ Inclusive Practice (Limited to 50 people - add additional session at registration.)

Register Here

ACCREDITATION STATEMENT: Tower Health is accredited by the Pennsylvania Medical Society to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

DISCLOSURE: The course director and members of the planning committee do not have any relevant financial relationship with any commercial interests to disclose regarding today’s activity. Faculty and all others who have the ability to control the content of continuing medical education activities provided by Tower Health are expected to disclose to the audience whether they do or do not have any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest or other relationships related to the content of their presentation(s).

Credits will not be given unless attendee completes all requirements which include signing in using eeds with the activity code within 24 hours of the conference start time and completing the online evaluation within 30 days at towerhealth.eeds.com.

NURSING CONTACT HOURS: This program awards 5 contact hours. Tower Health is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

DESIGNATION STATEMENT: Tower Health designates this activity for a maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Contact Information:
Name: Maryssa Lyons
Email: maryssa.lyons@towerhealth.org
LGBTQ+ Image
Online Event (Registration link provided)
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