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Community College Trends and Issues amid the New (Ab)normal
Start Date: 6/29/2021Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 6/29/2021End Time: 1:00 PM
Event Description
Amid the COVID 19 health crisis, there is a growing need for community college leaders to creatively address some of the most pressing challenges and opportunities. Please join the faculty at Drexel University’s School of Education who will share their insights and ideas related to educational policy, workforce development strategies, and institutional culture and effectiveness. Dr. Bruce Levine will discuss developments in federal and state policy that may impact community college involvement in workforce development. Dr. Salvatore Falletta will introduce the Workforce Development Cycle as a practical approach and process for building successful partnerships in the local workforce development system and the Organizational Model Intelligence model as a strategic framework for measuring the college culture and climate, employee engagement, and institutional effectiveness. Lastly, Dr. Larry Keiser will discuss the emerging importance of community college leaders’ and administrators roles in leading creativity and innovation within their institution.

Bruce Levine, JD
Associate Clinical Professor, Drexel University School of Education

Dr. Salvatore Falletta
Clinical Professor, Drexel University School of Education

Dr. Larry Keiser
Assistant Clinical Professor, Drexel University School of Education

Contact Information:
Phone: 877-215-0009
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