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Mocktails & Hydrating Summer Beverages (15 Wellness Points)*
Start Date: 7/18/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 7/18/2023End Time: 3:00 PM
Event Description
Come learn how to make fun alcohol-free drinks to help you stay hydrated and to quench your thirst for fun and flavor. We will learn tips and recipes to help you stay hydrated in the summer heat. And we will review fun ways to make festive, healthy, and tasty beverages and recipes perfect for the hotter months.

Rachel Sherman, pastry chef and Drexel Food Lab project manager, and Jonathan Deutsch, PhD. Professor in the Department of Food and Hospitality Management in the College of Nursing and Health Professions, will present this workshop

Please register in Career Pathway. The Zoom link will be sent via email from Career Pathway once you register.

*Participants in our Wellness Incentive Program are eligible to earn 15 points (a $15 credit) for attending this event. Your name must appear in the participants box in Zoom (you must be signed in) in order to receive wellness credit. You will receive an email from Career Pathway confirming your attendance after attendance has been completed. Wellness points will appear in your Health Advocate profile in six weeks.

You must register for the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Program AND complete your annual Personal Health Profile before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities. There will be a 6-week delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit:

Please contact Wellness Consultant Monica Fauble with questions:
Contact Information:
Name: Monica Fauble
Phone: 215-895-1708
mocktail cocktail
Please register in Career Pathway to receive the Zoom link
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