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Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Start Date: 7/7/2023Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Date: 7/7/2023End Time: 9:00 AM
Event Description

Sleep-Related Infant Deaths and the Philadelphia Response

Presented By
Eileen Tyrala, MD, chair, Infant Safe Sleep Committee of the PA AAP; adjunct clinical assistant professor, Sydney Kimmel School of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University

Stacey Kallem, MD, MSHP, director, Division of Maternal, Child, and Family Health Philadelphia Department of Public Health

Learning Objectives

  • Define the major categories of death that are included under the term Sudden Unexpected Infant Death or SUID
  • List the factors that are important for creating a safe sleep environment for an infant
  • Analyze the changes in SUID statistics that have occurred in Philadelphia over the past 15 years

Target Audience
Physicians, nurse practitioners, nursing personnel, fellows, residents, medical students and other health care professionals who take care of children

Accreditation Statement
Tower Health is accredited by the Pennsylvania Medical Society to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Tower Health designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Claiming CME Credits
Attendees MUST sign in with the six-digit activity code provided at the session using eeds within 24 hours of the conference start time and complete the online evaluation within 30 days at
Contact Information:
Name: Alma Barberena
Infant Sleeping
Online Event: Please contact organizer for zoom link
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