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Toast to Tenacity – Women’s Equality Day
Start Date: 8/26/2022 All Day
End Date: 8/26/2022
Event Description

Join VisionForward in a nationwide toast honoring Women’s Equality Day and the trailblazers of the gender equity movement.

Women’s Equality Day is August 26—the date the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1920, granting American women the right to vote.

VisionForward, a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit initiative headquartered at Drexel University in Philadelphia, celebrates the anniversary of this historic milestone every year with its Toast to Tenacity™. Historically, our organization has honored the suffragists in their fight for women’s voting rights during this program. VisionForward is expanding the Toast to Tenacity, in which people come together in a fully virtual social media campaign and raise their glasses in a united salute to past, present AND future trailblazers of the gender equity movement.

Visit the Toast to Tenacity website for more details, and to access the official VisionForward Toast to Tenacity Toolkit to learn how you can get involved in this nation-wide program.

Contact Information:
Name: Joyce Lewandowski
Phone: 215-991-8831
2021 Toast to Tenacity Participants
Virtual/Social Media Campaign
  • Everyone
  • Special Features:
  • Online Access

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