Event Description
The annual University City Campus Clean-up runs from Monday, July 1, through Friday, Aug. 30, 2019. This is an opportunity for departments and offices to dispose of obsolete or broken equipment, furniture, and other large, non-hazardous materials.
To participate, please complete the following steps:
Submit a WebTMA work request noting "Campus Clean-up" and providing a description of the items to be removed in the action requested. (Some oversized pieces of equipment and sensitive items may not qualify for the Campus Clean-up and will require special handling for disposal.)
- Clearly identify the items to be discarded for Campus Clean-up. Indicate the work order number (FM-XXXXX) on the item/sign if possible.
Items being disposed of from laboratories may not include hazardous waste or dangerous chemicals. For all laboratory hazardous waste, please contact Environmental Safety & Health at 215.895.5891 to arrange a special pick-up.
For items that have residual value but are no longer useful for the University, please contact drexelsurplus@drexel.edu to see if they can be sold through the Surplus Sales program. |