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Start Date: 9/22/2018Start Time: 8:00 PM
End Date: 9/22/2018End Time: 9:00 PM
Event Description
Whet your appetite at FringeArts, where two performances of French choreographer Boris Charmatz’ manger implore audiences to examine the nature of eating, of digesting information, of consuming. To attend manger is to witness this challenge up close.

“We launch movement with our mouths... Dance is in the stomach. Dance is in the palate. Dance is in the teeth... We envision a sort of meal in motion, we eat everything, we eat anything, all the time. We are an orchestra in motion, self-fueled... The essence is jammed down the throat. You don’t want to die stuffed. You swallow the message without having read it. You swallow reality. You digest conflicts.” – Boris Charmatz

manger is part of Philadelphia Museum of Dance, a free exhibit of live dance. Philadelphia Museum of Dance is a two-part project that explores the tension between public and private experience and seeks to offer alternate possibilities for exhibiting dance performance, including the idea of public choreographic assembly, a signature concept for project co-curator and French choreographer Boris Charmatz. Explore the second part of the project on October 6.

Support for Philadelphia Museum of Dance has been provided to Westphal College of Media Arts & Design by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage. Philadelphia Museum of Dance is produced in partnership with the Barnes Foundation. Performances of manger are presented in partnership with FringeArts.
Contact Information:
Name: Miriam Giguere
Phone: 215-895-4914
FringeArts at Race Street Pier
140 N. Columbus Blvd.
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