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Negative Control Methods to De-bias Test-Negative Design Studies of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness
Start Date: 1/17/2024Start Time: 2:30 PM
End Date: 1/17/2024End Time: 3:30 PM

Event Description

The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Seminar Series welcomes Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen, PhD, University Professor, Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Statistics in Data Science, University of Pennsylvania, who will present "Negative Control Methods to De-bias Test-Negative Design Studies of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness."

The test-negative design (TND) has become a standard approach to evaluate vaccine effectiveness against the risk of acquiring infectious diseases in real-world settings, such as COVID-19. In a TND study, individuals who experience symptoms and seek care are recruited and tested for the infectious disease which defines cases and controls. Despite TND's potential to reduce unobserved differences in healthcare seeking behavior (HSB) between vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects, it remains subject to potential biases. First, residual confounding bias may remain due to unobserved HSB, occupation as healthcare worker, or previous infection history. Second, because selection into the TND sample is a common consequence of infection and HSB, collider stratification bias may exist when conditioning the analysis on COVID testing, which further induces confounding by latent HSB. In this paper, we present a novel approach to identify and estimate vaccine effectiveness in the target population by carefully leveraging a pair of negative control exposure and outcome variables to account for potential hidden bias in TND studies. We illustrate our proposed method with extensive simulation and an application to study COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness using data from the University of Michigan Health System.

Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen is The University Professor, Professor of Biostatistics at the Perelman School of Medicine and Professor of Statistics and Data Science at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He co-directs the Penn Center for Causal Inference, which supports the development and dissemination of causal inference methods in Health and Social Sciences. He has published extensively on Causal Inference, Missing Data and Semiparametric Theory with several impactful applications ranging from HIV research, Genetic Epidemiology, Environmental Health and Alzheimer's Disease and related aging disorders. He is an Amazon scholar working with Amazon scientists on a variety of causal inference problems in the Tech industry space. Professor Tchetgen Tchetgen is an 2022 inaugural co-recipient of the newly established Rousseeuw Prize for statistics in recognition for his work in Causal Inference with applications in Medicine and Public Health.

For more information, please email nanderson@drexel.edu.

Contact Information:
Name: Nancy Colon-Anderson
Email: nanderson@drexel.edu
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