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Philly Codefest Presents: A Day in the Life of a Comcast Co-Op
Start Date: 1/24/2019Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Date: 1/24/2019End Time: 7:00 PM

Event Description
So what is a “day in the life” like at Comcast? Join us on Thursday, January 24th from 5-7pm to hear from your fellow classmates about their Comcast Co-op Experience and learn more about the innovation happening at Comcast. 

At Comcast, we are passionate about making the customer experience our best product. The TPX (Technology, Product, Xperience) organization acts as the engine for innovation, development and execution and touches nearly every part of the customer's experience with us from developing and delivering our Xfinity products and services, to enabling over 300 million daily customer interactions, to dispatching the field technicians to people's homes and places of business, to measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

This free event is open to all Drexel students. Refreshments will be served. 

3401 Market Street
SC 326
Philadelphia PA 19104
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