Event Description
Drexel’s Comprehensive Colposcopy Training Course for Women’s Health Practitioners is the expert resource in cervical and lower genital tract pathology. Participants will be exposed to a premier panel of speakers who offer the most current information, reliable guidance, and state-of-the-art hands-on experience for all aspects of colposcopy.
Registered Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, Midwives, Physicians, Physician Assistants, and any Healthcare Professional with at least one year experience in women’s health care and an interest in learning the most current indications and techniques of colposcopy.
Human Papillomavirus – Lower Genital Tract Infections
Epidemiology of Cervical Cancer and Lower Genital Tract Pathology
Current Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening and Initial Management
The Normal Cervix: Understanding the Transformation Zone
Components of the Colposcopic Exam and Terminology
Normal and Abnormal Cytology and Histology of the Cervix and Lower Genital Tract
Sautee Colposcopy Case Studies
A Guide to CIN & Management
Endocervical Curettage
Therapeutic Modalities Review
Colposcopy of Overt and Occult Invasive Cervical Cancer
Adenocarcinoma & Adenocarcinoma in Situ
Colposcopic Case Studies
Vulvar and Vaginal Diseases: Etiology and Relation to Colposcopy
Diagnosis & Management of VAIN
Diagnosis and Management of AIN
HIV and Cervical Disease
Evaluating and Managing CIN in Special Populations: Adolescents, Pregnant, Infertile, and Underserved
Professional Issues for the Colposcopist, Quality Assurance, & Documentation
PEARLS of Colposcopy
Skills Lab