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Halloween in Outside In
Start Date: 10/26/2019Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Date: 10/26/2019End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description

From October 25–31, the animal enclosures in Outside In will get a festive fall makeover! Our animals will revel in enrichment, so put on your costume and carve out some good times with them at the Academy!

Check out some live animal trick or treating at 1 p.m. every day! You might see a snake slither around a pumpkin, a rat nibble a jack-o-lantern, or a tarantula scramble over a set of vampire fangs. You may see an armadillo bob for apples, or watch a bunny go trick-or-treating.

What is enrichment?

Keepers develop tailored enrichment plans to keep our animals happy and healthy. One day, a parrot might enjoy special music, a bunny will play with new toys, or the raptors will soak up “rain” during a power wash of their enclosures. The rain encourages the birds to preen their feathers as they would in the wild.

These enrichment activities prepare the animals for the spotlight. With help from Academy teacher naturalists, the animals teach visitors about endangered species, habitats, exotic pet challenges, city animals, and backyard creatures.

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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