Event Description
CASTLE is hosting a seminar with Adrienne Traxler, PhD, Assistant Professor at Wright State University.
Talk title: Equity in physics education: A snapshot of a complex system
The percentage of women in STEM fields has risen in recent decades, but physics continues to lag in gender and racial representation. It is reasonable to ask: What factors drive talented women out of the field, and what can physicists or other scientists do about it? I will summarize some of the evidence about bias that women face in physics and other STEM fields, from large-scale statistical trends to emerging specifics. I also will review what scientists can do to help, in how we structure our courses, how we talk with our students, and how we mentor them. In physics education research, decades of quantitative studies have explored gender differences in introductory physics courses. This work, which typically charts gaps on standardized tests, is now being supplemented by a growing number of qualitative and critical perspectives. I will end by highlighting some of this recent work that questions binary deficit-based models of gender, explores complexities of identity such as the intersection of race and gender, or takes up under-studied areas such as disability in physics. As conversations in education shift from promoting diversity to equity, our research agendas and our classroom spaces must keep up.
About Dr. Traxler: Dr. Traxler's primary research interests are network analysis and diversity and equity issues in physics education. Her network projects are usually (but not exclusively) social network analyses of student interactions in physics courses. On the diversity and equity side, my focus is gender in physics, and other facets of identity that intersect with those issues. She has done past work in student attitudes and problem-solving.
About Drexel's Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence: The mission of the Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence (CASTLE) is to employ an interdisciplinary research approach to generate knowledge that will support improved STEM education at all levels — from Kindergarten through Faculty.
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