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Rethinking Cooperative Education: Expanding the Drexel Model to Chinese Universities
Start Date: 11/28/2018Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 11/28/2018End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
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Underemployment of undergraduates is an issue of concern globally, and higher education institutions worldwide are utilizing various measures to increase the employability of their students. In order to resolve the problem of structural unemployment in China, the Chinese government has implemented a policy to encourage local undergraduate universities to transform into universities of applied science. Important aspects of the transition include strengthening cooperation between universities and industries, cultivating applied talents needed in the industry and improving students' employment rate. Drexel’s cooperative education program offers an interesting model for China’s education reform agenda. It was one of the first of its kind, and it continues to be among the largest and most renowned cooperative education programs globally. It has deepened school-enterprise cooperation, increased student employment opportunities and positively affected their starting salaries. Through an examination of Drexel’s cooperative education model, this paper offers suggestions for Chinese Universities serving primarily undergraduate students.
JIN LI is an associate professor in Henan University of Urban Construction, China, and currently a Visiting Scholar at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She obtained her EdD in Education from Southwest University, China. Sponsored by the China Scholarship Council, she was a visiting scholar at Australian National University during Summer 2011 and at Drexel University for a year in 2018. Her research interests include higher education and comparative education, applied research and cooperative education.
Contact Information:
Name: Anthony Hopkins
Phone: 215-895-0900
Email: ajh357@drexel.edu
Drexel University School of Education
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