Event Description Steve Mason, PhD Candidate, Drexel University
A Meta-analysis of PyroEntomology
Fires affect different
insect taxa by altering food and nesting resources. However, every fire behaves
differently, and we have a limited understanding of which fire characteristics
affect insect biodiversity the most. We conducted a systematic review and
a meta-analysis of the fire and Apoidea (Bees), Rhopalocera (Butterflies),
Carabidae (Ground Beetles), and Formicidae (Ants) literature from 2000 – 2019
asking (1) how do certain types of fire affect insect biodiversity, (2)
how does seasonality of fire affect insect biodiversity, and (3) how does
habitat of fire affect insect biodiversity. Our results show that each fire
characteristic can influence insect biodiversity differently. Future research
should attempt to quantify the fire while also considering it’s severity,
heterogeneity, and seasonality. By examining how fire characteristics
affect insect biodiversity, we can start to make better predictions about how
insects will respond to changing fire regimes.