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Drexel Meditation Group Faculty & Staff (5 Wellness Incentive Points for 2nd & 4th Thursday Session)
Start Date: 11/8/2018Start Time: 12:30 PM
End Date: 11/8/2018End Time: 1:00 PM
This event recurs on Thursday every week until 7/25/2019.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description

The Drexel Meditation Group (DMG) meets every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m. in the James E. Marks Intercultural Center, 3225 Arch Street, Ground Level, in the Intercultural Center Sanctuary. The entrance is on Arch Street next to Drexel Police Station. A Drexel ID card is required to access this building.

These weekly sessions offer a short guided meditation. This is a wonderful opportunity to sit quietly with Drexel colleagues and friends and to learn how to better manage your stress and more deeply engage your work and your life. The DMG offers an opportunity for Drexel professional staff, faculty and students to reduce stress and grow in mindfulness and compassion together.

The DMG will periodically bring in speakers to discuss meditation techniques, workplace wellness, stress management and more. To be added to the DMG listserv, if you have questions about the DMG, or if you want to learn more about special events related to meditation, please contact: Ahaji Schreffler.

Participants in our Wellness Incentive Program are eligible to earn 5 points (a $5 credit) for each session they attend on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Please note that points are only awarded for attendance on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. In-person attendants at the second and fourth Thursday sessions must sign-in to receive credit.

You must register for the annual program AND complete your annual PHP before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities. There will be a delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit: drexel.edu/hr/benefits/a-healthier-u/wellness-incentive-program.

Contact Information:
Name: Ahaji Schreffler
Phone: 215.895.1704
Email: ahaji.schreffler@drexel.edu
stack of rocks
The Interfaith Sanctuary in the James E Marks Intercultural Center (3225 Arch)
You need a Drexel ID to access this building
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