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Women in Sports: Calling the Shots & Leading the Way Conference
Start Date: 2/10/2019Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Date: 2/10/2019End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
Everywhere you look in the sport industry, women leaders are an essential part of the workplace, whether they are working for players’ associations or as player agents; behind the camera making programming decisions or standing in front of the camera and offering commentary; running charities or running marathons; and creating the vision for where sport is going or communicating that vision to sponsors and consumers.

This half-day conference is designed to bring girls and women interested in sport careers, along with men supportive of women’s sport and women working in the industry, together to talk about their shared passion for sport and moving forward together.

For more information and to register, please visit the website:

Hosted by the Department of Sport Management in LeBow College, partnered with the LeBow Women in Business Club
Contact Information:
Name: Ellen J. Staurowsky
Phone: 215-895-6714
Email: ejs95@drexel.edu
WomeninSport_Monitor -sm.jpg
Gerri C. LeBow Hall, Rooms 220 & 221
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